Learning dog language
This article helps you understand why you must learn dog language. Read further to know more about what your dog communicates. Many of you might have a dog as a pet or plan to have one in the future. Pets calm and relax our minds. On the other hand, we must also learn to be good pet parents. As humans, we are much used to verbal communication, but dogs don’t. Hence sometimes we need to make efforts to learn their communication.
What is dog language?
Dog language is a complex combination of body language, vocalizations, and scent marking. Dogs use them to communicate with fellow dogs as well as human beings.
Why is it important to learn dog language?
Dogs though it has been alongside humans are completely different from us. It is important to communicate and bond effectively to be a good pet parent. Learning dog language can build better bond with your pet, understand dog’s cues and medical conditions. Also, effective to train them based on their behavioral development. Read this article further to acquire this essential skill and help your furry friend.
What are all the patterns in dog language?
Let us look at some of the common cues:
- Tail wagging: A wagging tail can mean a variety of things, depending on the speed and direction of the wag. A slow wag with the tail held low usually indicates submission or appeasement. A fast wag with the tail held high usually indicates excitement or happiness.
- Ear position: The position of the ears can also be a clue to a dog’s mood. Ears that are back and flat against the head usually indicate fear or aggression. Ears that are perked up and forward usually indicate interest or excitement.
- Eye contact: Eye contact can be a sign of aggression or dominance in dogs. However, some dogs also use eye contact to show affection or submission.
- Lip licking: Lip licking can be a sign of anxiety or fear. It can also be a way for dogs to groom themselves or to show submission.
- Body posture: The way that a dog holds its body can also be a clue to its mood. A dog that is standing tall and with its tail held high is usually confident and relaxed. A dog that is cowering or has its tail tucked between its legs is usually fearful or submissive.
Vocalizations are another important way that dogs communicate. Some common vocalizations include:
- Barks: Barks can be used to communicate a variety of emotions, such as excitement, fear, or aggression.
- Whines: Whines can be used to express pain, fear, or anxiety.
- Growls: Growls can be used to warn off a threat or to express dominance.
- Yips: Yips can be used to express excitement or playfulness.
- Howls: Howls are usually used to communicate over long distances.
Scent marking is another way that dogs communicate. Dogs mark their territory with urine and feces. This helps them to communicate with other dogs about their identity, their status, and their availability for mating.
Dont’s in dog language
As humans we have certain communication blocks or disturbances with other people due their words or body language. Similarly, dogs too have let’s look at what are all the dont;s for your dog
- do not lean over pups/dogs
- do not make direct eye-contact
- do not pat on the head
- do not hug or kiss
- do not raise your voice
All these behaviours might unknowingly scare a pup/dog. Hence, make sure to avoid them.
Undoubtedly, you might feel exhausted learning all this. But to be a good pet parent be patient and consistent in your efforts. Also talking to a professional dog trainer can enhance your experience. Spend happy time with your dog and create a lovely home for him/her. There are also many books and blogs your can refer to to learn dog language.
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