Best earning app to earn everyday

The app is best to earn rewards daily. There are many games, surveys, tasks which can be completed very easily. The app allows to transfer the amount to Paytm, Google gift card, flipkart vouchers and Bookmyshow vouchers.
The tasks include downloading apps and following the instructions given. Few apps have to be downloaded and kept in the phone without deleting for 7 to 60 days. For these tasks the points is more from 200 coints to 10000 coins. There are tasks with more conditions and are categoorized as easy, medium and hard. There few tasks which allow the users to delete the apps immediately after earning the coins.
There are many surveys which asks about the consumer goods used by them on daily basis, these surveys also pays coins between 1000 to 15000 coins.
All these coins can be segregated and can be changed into cash or vouchers. But this can be done only once per day. So it is better to withdraw after segregating coins throughout the day and withdraw at the end of the day.